Here you can read my rostrums, interviews and any media appearances.

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Founder and CEO of Global Alumni Responds to Yolanda Vergara’s Questions on Decisión Radio
“If education has survived almost two thousand years unchanged, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will see the change in the hegemony of universities.
7 de November de 2022

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Interview With Pablo Rivas About the Global Bridge
July was a historic month both for Global Alumni and the history of education. The world’s largest and most innovative immersive telepresence
7 de November de 2022

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Pablo Rivas Visits RTVE to Speak About Education, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
On June 13, Pablo Rivas appeared on Emprende—a program about entrepreneurship—hosted by Juanma Romero, an award-winning journalist in Spain’s communication industry. Romero
7 de November de 2022

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Pablo Rivas Speaks With La Razón at Employability Forum
The learning cycle doesn’t end with a college degree. In this new digital age, the key to employability is lifelong learning. You
7 de November de 2022

Entrevista a Pablo Rivas con motivo de la inauguración de la mayor sala de telepresencia inmersiva del mundo
Julio fue un mes único para la historia de Global Alumni, pero también para la historia de la educación. La sala de
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13 de October de 2022

Edtech eng
Pablo Rivas, among top 10 most innovative leaders of 2022
US magazine CIO Views has selected Pablo Rivas, Global Alumni´s CEO and founder, among the top 10 most innovative leaders of 2022.
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26 de January de 2022

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Digital CEO (I) Pablo Rivas in confidence with Mario Alonso Puig
In this first chapter of Digital CEO, Pablo Rivas, CEO and founder of Global Alumni, interviews Dr. Mario Alonso Puig, doctor and
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22 de November de 2021

Business eng
Pablo Rivas attends La Razón’s 1st Digital Transformation Forum
The time is now to talk about a real digital transformation. In fact, Global Alumni CEO Pablo Rivas regrets that this discussion
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22 de October de 2021

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Pablo Rivas talks to ABC about digital talent gap penalizing the Spanish economy.
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only disrupted the foundations of healthcare, but also the current labor market. With the current economic migration
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1 de October de 2021

Business eng
“We must be promoters of change and embrace technology as a facilitator toward what’s next”
elEconomista hosted the business day Professionals of the Future: Sectors and Key Profiles, where those who attended agreed on the importance of
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21 de May de 2021

“Tenemos que ser promotores de cambio y acoger la tecnología como facilitador hacia lo que viene”
El diario elEconomista ha celebrado la jornada empresarial Profesionales del futuro: Sectores y perfiles clave, en la que los asistentes han coincidido en la importancia de fomentar el
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21 de May de 2021

Global Alumni eng
“Universities are no longer the main source of knowledge: google is smarter than them”
A red light indicates `Zoom` is now recording. On the other side of the screen, Pablo Rivas, CEO and Founder of Global Alumni,
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4 de May de 2021

Global Alumni
Entrevista a Pablo Rivas en la revista ‘Ethic’
Una luz roja indica que el ‘Zoom’ está grabando. Al otro lado de la pantalla, Pablo Rivas, CEO y fundador de Global Alumni,
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4 de May de 2021

Pablo Rivas
‘Aprender a desaprender’: fragmento del libro de Pablo Rivas publicado en Ethic
Las sociedades modernas no pueden permitirse el lujo de tener a jóvenes memorizando miles de conceptos teóricos hasta los dieciocho años. Pablo
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12 de April de 2021

Edtech eng
Keys for future employment
The world is not changing, it has already changed. Without even realizing, the stealthy technological disruption has transformed businesses and jobs at
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29 de December de 2020