Pablo Rivas | CEO de Global Alumni

Founder and CEO of Global Alumni Responds to Yolanda Vergara’s Questions on Decisión Radio

“If education has survived almost two thousand years unchanged, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will see the change in the hegemony of universities. We need to decide who has knowledge, and who doesn’t, because knowledge is now a commodity. The paradigms we once knew have been broken, and education systems must rethink their approach to learning,” said Pablo Rivas, the founder and CEO of Global Alumni in a recent interview with Yolanda Vergara on Decisión Radio.   

During the interview, the leader in educational transformation insisted that “We need to start using technology to improve our learning experiences and to boost the skills of professionals. Our aim is for people to be and work their best, but most of all, to be more employable.” He then mentioned the recent inauguration of the Global Bridge in Cambridge, the world’s largest immersive telepresence room. This room, alongside others the company has in Barcelona, Madrid, and Chicago, employs technology like virtual reality and augmented reality to give a more practical and personalized approach to learning.  

Discussing the role of education in companies, Rivas reiterated the idea that organizations “need to start reflecting on how they are going to manage their talent, how they want to train [employees], for what purposes, and above all, when they will start training [their talent]. If we do not allocate resources to retraining internal talent, our companies will lose value.” He added, “The status quo is broken, and the size or the tradition of a leading company will no longer be the deciding factor for its survival.”  

You can watch the entire interview in Spanish here.