Pablo Rivas | CEO de Global Alumni

Pablo Rivas Visits RTVE to Speak About Education, Technology, and Entrepreneurship

On June 13, Pablo Rivas appeared on Emprende—a program about entrepreneurship—hosted by Juanma Romero, an award-winning journalist in Spain’s communication industry. Romero welcomed Rivas, who is the founder and CEO of Global Alumni, the world’s leading Euro-American EdTech company.  Global Alumni works with the best universities around the world to transform digital education.  

Are we really facing a new era in professional education? Are we, as professionals, aware of the need to keep learning and educating ourselves? What is the best form of education for the modern professional? These were the questions that opened the interview, which later dove into how to embrace this next stage in the digital revolution though lifelong learning.  

“Our working lives are becoming longer, the market is forcing us to adapt more and become more agile, and to change our jobs more frequently.” Rivas added, “Innovation, which is the product of technological development, is helping us make new advances nearly every day. In this environment, we need to keep increasing our skills so that we don’t become obsolete. This is the only way we can offer true value to our company and the economy.” 

You can watch the entire interview in Spanish here, starting at minute 2:35.