Here you can read my rostrums, interviews and any media appearances.

Claves del empleo del futuro, en ‘La Vanguardia’

Global Alumni Receives “elEconomista” Prize for the Best Learning Initiative 2020
Global Alumni received “elEconomista” Prize for the Best Learning Initiative. The award, given to Pablo Rivas, CEO and founder of the company,

Global Alumni recibe el Premio de ‘elEconomista’ a la Mejor Iniciativa en Formación
Global Alumni ha recibido el Premio a la Mejor Iniciativa en Formación de ‘elEconomista’. El galardón, entregado a Pablo Rivas, CEO y fundador de la

Lifelong learning: a fundamental change of mindset to successfully navigate the 4th industrial revolution
From a social and productive perspective, technology has turned our world upside down. All progress transforms reality. To stay ahead of its

“‘Lifelong learning’, un cambio de mentalidad necesario”, publicado en AMBA

Pablo Rivas interview for ‘Foro Recursos Humanos’ at Capital Radio
“We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and education has to be expansive and global. Those who do not

Entrevista a Pablo Rivas para el programa Foro Recursos Humanos, en Capital Radio
“Hemos entrado de lleno en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. Aquí, la educación tiene que ser expansiva y global y quien no se

Global Alumni y la revolución del e-Learning
La tecnología ha transformado integralmente las sociedades. Trabajamos, nos relacionamos, compramos o viajamos de una manera muy distinta a como lo hacíamos

‘Global Alumni’s E-learning Revolution’
Technology has comprehensively transformed societies. We work, interact, buy, and travel differently to the way we did a decade ago. The speed

Interview for ‘El Financiero’
“I do not believe that the idea of universities are outdated, but rather, that they are at risk if they fail to transform. The concept of university was born in the 15th

Lifelong learning: the education challenge in a digital society
“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” This quote by Winston Churchill, one of the greatest minds of the last century, can perfectly be

‘Lifelong learning’, el reto de la educación en una sociedad digital
Os comparto este artículo de ‘el Economista’ sobre las consecuencias de la crisis provocada por el coronavirus. Al margen de la grave

Digital education and future. Interviewed by Informativos Tele 5
The Covid-19 global pandemic has forced the education to adopt digital solutions, which is something that most educational institutions should have considered long ago. “To take full advantage of the

Educación digital y futuro, en Informativos Tele 5
Tras la pandemia provocada por el Covid-19, el sector de la educación ha respondido a las necesidades de transformación digital, en la

Big Data: The Ability to Transform Education
Data storage and processing is one of the most powerful technologies in the digital economy. Human beings have developed and adapted to