Founder and CEO of Global Alumni Responds to Yolanda Vergara’s Questions on Decisión Radio
“If education has survived almost two thousand years unchanged, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will see the change in the hegemony of universities.
High-quality digital education is the only way to reinforce the skills of today’s professionals and create a strong business network. Only then will we successfully overcome the challenges of the digital economy.
High-quality digital education is the only way to reinforce the skills of today’s professionals and create a strong business network. Only then will we successfully overcome the challenges of the digital economy.
“We need to learn how to learn. In other words, to gain new skills, especially as adults, we must start with a verb most of us have only recently began using: unlearning. Our guarantee of success in this process implies breaking down what we know, going the other way, starting again, and opening our minds to new knowledge and experiences.”
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“We need to learn how to learn. In other words, to gain new skills, especially as adults, we must start with a verb most of us have only recently began using: unlearning. Our guarantee of success in this process implies breaking down what we know, going the other way, starting again, and opening our minds to new knowledge and experiences.”
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While studying in Spain and the United States, I was able to reflect on how to transform higher education. Why did the field of education remain on the sidelines as the internet became one of the most important developments for humanity?
In an increasingly globalized world, with technological innovations leading to new opportunities, the field of education and the talent of millions of professionals cannot continue to remain on the sidelines.
This is what drove me to found Global Alumni, along with the three passions that have guided my professional career: the technological revolution, economic globalization, and high-quality digital education.
Almost a decade later, we now work with the best universities worldwide, spreading their culture and knowledge by overcoming language and geographical barriers. Thanks to this partnership, we have reeducated thousands of professionals in 150 countries and helped them become more employable in this Fourth Industrial Revolution.
My years of leading Global Alumni inspired me to write my first book, Learning to Unlearn, in which I explain how the current educational system has brought us here and why it must change so that we can continue moving forward.
Now, a few years later, my second book Lifelong Learning is coming out. In this book, I invite professionals, public organizations, companies, and educational institutions to think about the role of lifelong learning in making sure that no one, regardless of their age, is left out of this new paradigm where digitalization is the norm.
While studying in Spain and the United States, I was able to reflect on how to transform higher education. Why did the field of education remain on the sidelines as the internet became one of the most important developments for humanity?
In an increasingly globalized world, with technological innovations leading to new opportunities, the field of education and the talent of millions of professionals cannot continue to remain on the sidelines.
This is what drove me to found Global Alumni, along with the three passions that have guided my professional career: the technological revolution, economic globalization, and high-quality digital education.
Almost a decade later, we now work with the best universities worldwide, spreading their culture and knowledge by overcoming language and geographical barriers. Thanks to this partnership, we have reeducated thousands of professionals in 150 countries and helped them become more employable in this Fourth Industrial Revolution.
My years of leading Global Alumni inspired me to write my first book, Learning to Unlearn, in which I explain how the current educational system has brought us here and why it must change so that we can continue moving forward.
Now, a few years later, my second book Lifelong Learning is coming out. In this book, I invite professionals, public organizations, companies, and educational institutions to think about the role of lifelong learning in making sure that no one, regardless of their age, is left out of this new paradigm where digitalization is the norm.
“The key is knowing how far you need to unlearn, and the answer is simple: unlearn as far as the task of relearning begins. You are better off accepting and adopting a positive attitude towards the idea of lifelong learning. A new perspective and reeducating yourself are imperative in these times of constant change.”
“The key is knowing how far you need to unlearn, and the answer is simple: unlearn as far as the task of relearning begins. You are better off accepting and adopting a positive attitude towards the idea of lifelong learning. A new perspective and reeducating yourself are imperative in these times of constant change.”
“The key is knowing how far you need to unlearn, and the answer is simple: unlearn as far as the task of relearning begins. You are better off accepting and adopting a positive attitude towards the idea of lifelong learning. A new perspective and reeducating yourself are imperative in these times of constant change.”
Here, you can view my speeches, interviews, and any media appearances.
“If education has survived almost two thousand years unchanged, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will see the change in the hegemony of universities.
July was a historic month both for Global Alumni and the history of education. The world’s largest and most innovative immersive telepresence
On June 13, Pablo Rivas appeared on Emprende—a program about entrepreneurship—hosted by Juanma Romero, an award-winning journalist in Spain’s communication industry. Romero
Pablo Rivas, CEO of Global Alumni, has been named one of the 100 most creative persons of the year by Forbes Spain in the list ‘Most Creative People in Business 2022’.
For his career in EdTech, the newspaper La Razon chose Pablo Rivas as the Best Spanish Entrepreneur of 2021 in the “Premios Tu Economía/Dinero y Negocios” that it organizes every year.
Global Alumni was awarded the 2020 prize for the best educational initiative at the “X Edición de la Noche de la Economía,” organized by the newspaper El Economista.
Pablo Rivas, CEO and founder of Global Alumni, was named one of the 100 economic leaders for the future in the “Economic Leaders for the Future” ranking by the Choiseul Institute for two years running.
In addition, Global Alumni has been chosen as one of the five best startups in the world by EnlightED.
The American magazine CIO Views chose Pablo Rivas, CEO and founder of Global Alumni, as one the most innovative business leaders that will make a difference in 2022.