Pablo Rivas | CEO de Global Alumni

Pablo Rivas interview for ‘Foro Recursos Humanos’ at Capital Radio

“We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and education has to be expansive and global. Those who do not follow new trends risk finding themselves out of the market, leading to a social problem, in terms of both employment and economic aspects,” said Pablo Rivas, CEO and Founder of Global Alumni in a recent interview with Francisco García Cabello for the Human Resources Forum at Capital Radio program.

Rivas talked about the education system and presented his recently published book Learning to Unlearn, which aims to be a guide for both the education sector and future professionals. “The best universities care about education, and since they have been doing the same thing for more than a century, they understand the need to transform. The digital paradigm often supposes a problem for universities, and Global Alumni is here to help.”

Rivas also talked about the evolution of the education sector, saying that “We have gone from the third revolution, which implied school-university-master’s, to the fourth, which incorporates the concept of lifelong learning – continuous learning to avoid becoming outdated.”

“The world needs us to look differently at the professional skills because it’s not only those with master’s that can solve the actual challenges,” concluded Rivas.

Click here to listen to the whole interview (in Spanish)